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UAE Pro League

Ahmed Surour

UAE Citizen
Weight: 74kg Height : 176cm
Age: 24 DOB: 7th Jul 1999
4301 minutes

All time stats

Season Matches Playtime Goals Yellow cards Red cards
Overall 68 4301 11 11 0
Season Matches Goals Playtime Yellow cards Red cards
2019/2020 3 0 213 1 0
2018/2019 5 0 344 0 0
Total 8 0 557 1 0
Season Matches Goals Playtime Yellow cards Red cards
2020/2021 20 7 1543 0 0
2019/2020 14 0 742 3 0
2018/2019 17 3 1235 6 0
2017/2018 2 0 44 0 0
2017/2016 7 1 180 1 0
Total 60 11 3744 10 0

Detailed stats

Appearances -
Games Played 0
Starts -
Substitute Off 0
Substitute On 0
Time Played -
Clean Sheets -
Tackles -
Tackles success rate -
Ground Duels -
Aerial Duels -
Aerial Duels success rate -
Total Clearances -
Recoveries -
Blocks -
Total Passes -
Long passes 0
Long passes success rate -
Goal Assists -
Total crosses 0
Touches -
Successful Passes -
Backward Passes -
Forward Passes -
Key Passes -
Successful Passes Opposition Half -
Goals 0
Goal per match -
Penalty Goals -
Total Shots -
Shots On Target -
Goals from Inside Box -
Goals from Outside Box -
Headed Goals -
Total dribbles 0
Successful Dribbles rate -
Offsides -
Yellow Cards 0
Total Fouls Won -
Fouls Conceded -
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