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UAE Pro League

Joey Sleegers

Weight: 62kg Height : 165cm
Age: 29 DOB: 20th Jul 1994
719 minutes

All time stats

Season Matches Playtime Goals Yellow cards Red cards
Overall 9 719 1 0 0
Season Matches Goals Playtime Yellow cards Red cards
2022/2023 8 1 629 0 0
Total 8 1 629 0 0
Season Matches Goals Playtime Yellow cards Red cards
2022/2023 1 0 90 0 0
Total 1 0 90 0 0

Season performance

Appearances 8
Games Played 8
Time Played 623
Starts 8
Substitute On -

Detailed stats

Appearances 8
Games Played 8
Starts 8
Substitute On -
Substitute Off 5
Time Played 623
Clean Sheets -
Tackles 12
Tackles success rate 58.33
Ground Duels 40
Aerial Duels 31
Aerial Duels success rate 29.03
Total Clearances 5
Recoveries 30
Blocks 1
Long passes 13
Total Passes 115
Long passes success rate 23.08
Total crosses 20
Goal Assists 2
Successful Passes 74
Touches 264
Backward Passes 20
Forward Passes 53
Key Passes 12
Successful Passes Opposition Half 60
Goals 1
Goal per match 0.13
Penalty Goals -
Total Shots 13
Shots On Target 6
Goals from Inside Box 1
Goals from Outside Box -
Headed Goals -
Total dribbles 11
Successful Dribbles rate 18.18
Offsides 2
Yellow Cards -
Total Fouls Won 2
Fouls Conceded 6
Clean Sheets -
Saves Made -
Punches -
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